We will help you find and pick the best addiction treatment program for you or your loved one Request a no obligation call today
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Choosing the right type of drug or alcohol rehab treatment program depends upon the individual's lifestyle, responsbilities and their specific addiction
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Addiction treatment facilities and drug rehab centers across the country help thousands of people recover from their addictions each and every year. The best rehabilitation centers feature a broad team of specialists in a variety of settings using proven methods to treat and cure addictions
Alcohol can be a addictive substance addiction and abuse of alcohol are not the same
Alcoholism affects the body both phychologically and physically Dependence can fall into 3 categories: alcoholism, dependence and binge drinking.
Qualified Staff of Doctors
24x7 Emergency Services
Medical Counseling
cocaine is a powerful addictive stimulant drug made from the leaves of the coca plant
Cocaine is an illicit and extremely addictive drug, the two forms of cocaine that people abuse are a water soluble hydrochloride salt and water insoluble cocaine base or freebase.
Qualified Staff of Doctors
24x7 Emergency Services
Medical Counseling
Methamphetamine is an illegal drug in the same class as cocaine and other powerful street drugs. It has many nicknames—meth, crank, chalk or speed being the most common
The powerful rush people get from using meth causes many to get hooked right from the start. When it's used, a chemical called dopamine floods the parts of the brain that regulate feelings of pleasure. Users also feel confident and energetic.
Qualified Staff of Doctors
24x7 Emergency Services
Medical Counseling
Opioids are a group of drugs that are used for treating pain. They are derived from opium which comes from the poppy plant.
Opiate addiction is a major issue in the U.S., with prescription opiate addiction being one of the biggest drug problems today. Opiate medications are surprisingly easy to obtain. In fact, an estimated 210 million prescriptions for opiates were dispensed in 2010 alone
Medical Counseling
24x7 Emergency Services
Qualified Staff of Doctors
Heroin can be a white or brown powder, or a black sticky substance known as black tar heroi
Heroin is a substance that is both illegal and extremely addictive. The substance derives from opium from the poppy plant before it is refined to morphine, then further chemically modified to become heroin. Despite its deserved negative reputation for its high risks, heroin continues to be a commonly abused drug in the US.
Qualified Staff of Doctors
24x7 Emergency Services
Medical Counseling
Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug in the United States.
First time users will not become addicted and even occasional users who smoke pot recreationally will not become addicted to the drug. However, daily, long term use of marijuana can lead to many harmful effects
Qualified Staff of Doctors
24x7 Emergency Services
Medical Counseling
What others are saying
Get on the road to Recovery Today
You were a safety net when all i felt and experienced was the sensation of drowning. You had the resources to suggest and knew what to say and when to listen. Thank you for being there and understanding
Helpline Caller
I feal like me again trying to pick a rehab facility was very scary and unnerving after taking the first steps everything came together. My quality of life keeps me motivated now. I love my life and more importantly living my life sober and drug free
Helpline Caller
Completing rehab laid down the foundation for me to define the turning point in my life. I graduated from a struggling addiction who was lost and defeated to a person that lives with purpose and meaning
Helpline Caller
Types of Addiction Treatments
When considering the right type of addiction rehab you should determine which type of treatment is right for you or your loved one
Drug and Alcohol Addiction
Drug Detox
Partial Hospitalization
Halfway House
Dual Diagnosis
Christian Treatment
Need Help choosing the right Drug and Alcohol Rehab for you or your loved one ?
Choosing the right rehab can make all the difference from a successful recovery to the time required to recover
We accept most popular insurance plans and we are able to secure 100% insurance financing for most of our patients Addiction Care Help also offers individual to private pay (self pay) with any major credit card, debit card or cash If you have any questions, concerns in regards to cash and/or financing please call our 24/7 hotline
We have successfully helped many patients detox from drugs and alcohol and have helped guide them onto a path to recovery and continued success We have a wide variety of experienced licensed medical professional at our facilities to help ensure proper treatment for both detox and rehab. We provide individual with the treatment and tools required to stay on the path to a complete and long lasting addiction recovery
An average stay at detox is typically 5-10 days. Our goal at Addiction Care Help is to accelerate you through a detox process that is both fast and pain free
The most important part of detox is not the duration but rather how effectively the detox process is administered and completed
If you are serious about overcoming your addiction and want to receive treatment at a professional, comfortable, private and effective facility then Addiction Care Help is the right choice for your recovery
The professional and caring staff at each of our recommended facilities include full-time medical professionals including but not limited to psychiatrists, nurses, counselors and hospitality support staff to ensure your comfort
Our facilities provide 24-hour medical supervision enabling you to receive consistent and constant support and the encouragement necessary to help you achieve sobriety and success
Our addiction detox specialists are available 24/7 to assist you by monitoring your withdrawal and ensuring this process is handled as safely as possible. Occasionally treatments may include the use of medications to minimize withdrawal symptoms. In other instances, the staff may feel that a gradual reduction of certain identified substances will allow your body to adjust without the drugs or alcohol in a natural and holistic manner.
Your specific detox treatment will depend upon the type and amount of substances used, length of addiction and your health and well-being.
Evaluation: When starting our detox center program, you will be tested to determine the types and quantity of drugs/alcohol present in your body. Specialists will also evaluate you to find out if any underlying psychological, mental health or behavioral issues exist.
Stabilization: Our staff will provide information and answer questions so you fully understand what to expect during and after detox.
Guided Into Treatment: The final step of the detox process is helping you become prepared for life without drugs or alcohol. We continue to assist you throughout your stay to help relieve the physical dependency you have with your addiction.
Our aim is to help individuals successfully detox and recover from a wide variety of drugs and alcohol. Some of the pscific addiction treatments we offer include but are not limited to
Alcohol Addiction
Cocaine Addiction
Heroin Addiction
Marijuana Addiction
Crystal Meth Addiction
Prescription Medication Addiction
If you do not see a treatment for your specific addition do not hesitate to call our 24/7 hotline to discuss a specific addiction and treatment options
Identifying triggers, recognizing negative coping skills, leaning and using new coping skills to prevent relapse
Art Therapy:
Identifying triggers, recognizing negative coping skills, leaning and using new coping skills to prevent relapse
Gender Groups:
Dealing with pent up trauma and issues including domestic violence, relationship, sexual assault, and unaddressed internal conflicts as they relate to both females and males
Family Therapy:
Reconnecting with family and loved ones, building support, getting sponsors, and fixing family relationships
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy:
Therapy based on recognizing how thoughts, behaviors, and emotions are linked together; work on deciphering the underlying reasons behind substance issues (i.e.: depression, anxiety, PTSD, etc.)
Addiction Care Help number 1 goal is the successful rehabilitation of our clients- we make sure your quality care is the same we would expect for ourselves, and our loved ones.
We provide a safe, comfortable, and effective inpatient medical detox process at our private, enclosed facility. And when you’re through with detox, you don’t have to find another facility to begin your drug rehabilitation or alcohol rehabilitation right away!
Our facilities do it all, and we understand addiction can overtake the lives of many, no matter your age, background, or income.
We treat everyone with respect and care, no matter their circumstances. We want individuals to feel welcome and as if they were in the comforts of their own home.
Our facilities provide individualized treatment programs for each patient; ensuring each person receives superior treatment and cognitive behavioral counseling.
Our aim is to assist individuals in detoxifying their bodies of drugs and alcohol in a way which reduces the discomforts of withdrawal. We implement an all-inclusive detox plan aimed at rejuvenating the mind, body, and spirit.
AddictionCareHelp is here to help make finding the perfect rehab center as stress free and easy as possible
When you or someone you love and care for is struggling with addiction you want to find help and care as quickly and efficiently as possible. Spending hours on the phone and filling out endless forms is stressful
We have all the information you need to make a qualified decision based on your needs and situation.